Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Rocked The Vote

Yesterday was an unbelievable experience for me. It was my first time voting at the poll.My last time voting was an absentee ballot. Here are some Photos.

The volunteers at Samuel Chase Elementary School, in Temple Hills,MD, were the best. They made this the best experience of my through encouragement and praises. Despite the gloomy weather, and the long hours, I was greeted with smiles from each one. Thank you!Smiles are very contagious. I was grinning ear to ear as I casted my vote.

It was a blessing that my fiance and I were able to vote together.

It was an unexplainable feeling. I know some people are wondering what's the big deal. I honestly do not know. It was a natural high for me. My daughter stayed home with my mother, due to the unpredictable weather and not knowing how long to expect the wait.

The next morning she shared the excitement with us.

1 comment:

L. Denise said...

VOTING was sooo major this year, wasn't it?!?! I know folks that NEVER registered (or did, but just didn't give a damn enough to vote) made SURE they were up bright & early @ the Polls.

I waited for 2.5 hours & I'd do it allover again, if I knew it would get "W." out the White House.